Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Desert Desolation

Let’s go up there. Yes, let us. For the sun will be gone in an hour. We’ll climb this natural monstrosity of rocks layered upon rocks, hiding its meaning ever so deep. It’s breezy, grab a jacket, keep the blood flowing to the extremities to keep moving and more so for the brain to maintain focus. That looks steep, we’ll take this way, snap a photo we must remember that we were here and not only capture the awe inspiring, but the awe itself, empathetic in nature, the wolf pack of has grown closer. KOOKOO!?!………..KAAKAA, my brother you are still here with me. Call and response type of situation, yet the caller has no more or less significance, yet communal concern. These rocks are sharp, my hands will be raw, yet the top will be so rewarding. Glad that these shoes are a rubber extension of my feet as they grip ever so well to every enticing rock. Pan here, zoom there, the camera is the cyborgian extension of my memory. Film the legs, watch the body work its way up, we must document our struggle to illuminate our glory. Can I make this? I got it, distribute my weight evenly. 127 hours, I saw that movie, this looks a similar situation I got the camera, you got the water, who’s got the knife. Keep moving. KOOKOO…………… Where is he? KOOKOO…………….KAAKAA. We’re almost there. Bodies become outlined in gold as hair blows in the wind as shivers are prevented by the shelter of our new home of rocks. Breathing heavily, out of breath already? The air is perfect though, move on let my heart beat faster with admiration. We are high, this is beautiful! That is the rock, that is the spot. Proceed. Is it possible? We’ll try. We must go down to come up. KOOKOO…Oh there he is. Lets go there instead, we can’t make it. We are kings of the desert. Sit, chill relax, the respiratory system is calm now, give it some hazy love. We are literally high and mentally lifted. Feel that golden sun our faces and lay back. Calmness grounds me to the earth and these rocks are further solidarity. The sky is enchanted with Technicolor clouds, a phoenix. A catching mitt, a space ship. You beautiful source of light, changing color to match our emotions. Can you stay there and we will continue to stare. Panoramic, wide vast, my eyes usurp my other senses. You must go, I know. I’ll stare at you till I’m blind. Fruits of our labor in this dry desert. Goodbye sun, sinking behind the horizon, that is West, it does not matter. Get down before night falls and we fall. I have forgotten what flat ground feels like as I stumble down the rocks disoriented from a 180-degree flat plane. We really put ourselves on a challenge here guys. Boulder cradle…but please don’t cradle us to our deaths. The ground is grounding reorient and proceed. Both feet on the same plane, lets the brain explain what is reality of our memories of motor skills. Saddle up, we’re on the road again.

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